sheryl_centeredLean In starts off well and with a lot of information that will, most definitely, make you re-evaluate yourself as a woman and how you make decisions in the workplace. There were a lot of things that she mentioned that I was able to soak in and admit that it was, after all, very good advice. For example, she mentions that during the same years that our careers demand maximum time investment, our biology (as women) demand we have children. And how most women begin making room for a family that has yet to exist and that, ultimately, allows them (us) to miss out on certain opportunities. After being in my relationship for five years, I am now battling with internal conflicts about children–so you could only imagine how this rang for me! I am constantly weighing the pros and cons about whether I should have some now or wait (I always convince myself to wait).

But as I continued to read, I started to feel as if she was no longer speaking to me (or any woman like me). All of her accomplishments have come from who she knows and she had no problem throughout the book stating how financially able and fortunate her and her husband are. It isn’t a bad book, it’s just OK.

It did, however, provide a lot of insight on how women should take more initiative and ‘lean in.’ That message, I have to say, was executed well.